
Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station

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Daily Report for the month of December 2024

1 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.3°F
Average humidity 48%
Average dewpoint 11.3°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 2.7 mph
Average direction 207° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 43.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00
Maximum temperature 40.1°F on 01 at 13:58
Minimum temperature 23.7°F on 01 at 07:26
Maximum humidity 61% on 01 at 05:08
Minimum humidity 22% on 01 at 13:58
Maximum pressure 30.100 in. on 01 at 09:51
Minimum pressure 30.000 in. on 01 at 13:57
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 01 at 11:40
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 217 °(SW) on 01 at 11:44
Maximum heat index 40.1°F on 01 at 13:58

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2 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.5°F
Average humidity 58%
Average dewpoint 15.7°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.4 mph
Average gustspeed 1.2 mph
Average direction 185° (S)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 43.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 42.1°F on 02 at 14:07
Minimum temperature 17.1°F on 02 at 07:15
Maximum humidity 80% on 02 at 08:42
Minimum humidity 36% on 02 at 14:25
Maximum pressure 30.150 in. on 02 at 23:59
Minimum pressure 30.070 in. on 02 at 15:18
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 02 at 12:51
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 244 °(WSW) on 02 at 16:49
Maximum heat index 42.1°F on 02 at 14:07

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3 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 30.7°F
Average humidity 61%
Average dewpoint 18.1°F
Average barometer 30.2 in.
Average windspeed 0.5 mph
Average gustspeed 1.5 mph
Average direction 180° (S)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 43.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 41.7°F on 03 at 13:35
Minimum temperature 18.9°F on 03 at 06:09
Maximum humidity 82% on 03 at 08:47
Minimum humidity 40% on 03 at 21:22
Maximum pressure 30.260 in. on 03 at 23:57
Minimum pressure 30.140 in. on 03 at 00:18
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 03 at 20:16
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 05 °(N) on 03 at 20:42
Maximum heat index 41.7°F on 03 at 13:35

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4 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 33.8°F
Average humidity 62%
Average dewpoint 21.5°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 1.4 mph
Average gustspeed 4.2 mph
Average direction 198° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.17 in.
Rainfall for year 43.79 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 04 at 23:49
Maximum temperature 45.5°F on 04 at 20:33
Minimum temperature 16.9°F on 04 at 07:15
Maximum humidity 81% on 04 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 39% on 04 at 10:43
Maximum pressure 30.270 in. on 04 at 05:47
Minimum pressure 29.740 in. on 04 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 04 at 23:33
Maximum gust speed 17.3 mph from 266 °(W) on 04 at 22:07
Maximum heat index 45.5°F on 04 at 20:33

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5 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 37.3°F
Average humidity 63%
Average dewpoint 25.1°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed 6.4 mph
Average direction 231° (SW)
Rainfall for month 0.65 in.
Rainfall for year 44.27 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 05 at 07:24
Maximum temperature 43.7°F on 05 at 11:19
Minimum temperature 32.0°F on 05 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 05 at 09:32
Minimum humidity 38% on 05 at 14:51
Maximum pressure 29.810 in. on 05 at 23:54
Minimum pressure 29.480 in. on 05 at 12:39
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 05 at 14:32
Maximum gust speed 18.4 mph from 269 °(W) on 05 at 15:16
Maximum heat index 43.7°F on 05 at 11:19

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6 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 32.2°F
Average humidity 41%
Average dewpoint 10.6°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 1.9 mph
Average gustspeed 5.6 mph
Average direction 247° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 0.65 in.
Rainfall for year 44.27 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 36.5°F on 06 at 13:43
Minimum temperature 29.8°F on 06 at 23:58
Maximum humidity 58% on 06 at 02:08
Minimum humidity 27% on 06 at 13:42
Maximum pressure 30.120 in. on 06 at 23:57
Minimum pressure 29.790 in. on 06 at 00:35
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 06 at 10:19
Maximum gust speed 18.4 mph from 272 °(W) on 06 at 09:46
Maximum heat index 36.5°F on 06 at 13:43

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7 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 34.8°F
Average humidity 45%
Average dewpoint 15.6°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 1.0 mph
Average gustspeed 3.0 mph
Average direction 208° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.65 in.
Rainfall for year 44.27 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 07 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 43.2°F on 07 at 14:20
Minimum temperature 29.8°F on 07 at 00:21
Maximum humidity 58% on 07 at 18:38
Minimum humidity 33% on 07 at 14:17
Maximum pressure 30.130 in. on 07 at 10:10
Minimum pressure 29.950 in. on 07 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 07 at 11:37
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 245 °(WSW) on 07 at 12:56
Maximum heat index 43.2°F on 07 at 14:20

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8 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 44.0°F
Average humidity 48%
Average dewpoint 24.4°F
Average barometer 29.8 in.
Average windspeed 1.5 mph
Average gustspeed 4.6 mph
Average direction 206° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.65 in.
Rainfall for year 44.27 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 08 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 54.3°F on 08 at 13:37
Minimum temperature 29.3°F on 08 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 78% on 08 at 23:51
Minimum humidity 30% on 08 at 12:40
Maximum pressure 30.000 in. on 08 at 23:59
Minimum pressure 29.720 in. on 08 at 13:42
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 07 at 00:44
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 232 °(SW) on 08 at 12:50
Maximum heat index 54.3°F on 08 at 13:37

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9 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 42.2°F
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 35.6°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.7 mph
Average direction 157° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.93 in.
Rainfall for year 44.55 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.02 in. on 09 at 15:15
Maximum temperature 53.6°F on 09 at 11:53
Minimum temperature 27.5°F on 09 at 05:33
Maximum humidity 82% on 09 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 59% on 09 at 10:25
Maximum pressure 30.070 in. on 09 at 07:21
Minimum pressure 29.860 in. on 09 at 18:19
Maximum windspeed 3.5 mph on 09 at 18:35
Maximum gust speed 6.9 mph from 234 °(SW) on 09 at 13:33
Maximum heat index 53.6°F on 09 at 11:53

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10 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 46.8°F
Average humidity 82%
Average dewpoint 41.6°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 0.1 mph
Average gustspeed 0.7 mph
Average direction 143° (SE)
Rainfall for month 1.05 in.
Rainfall for year 44.67 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 10 at 22:53
Maximum temperature 53.4°F on 10 at 23:31
Minimum temperature 43.5°F on 10 at 05:24
Maximum humidity 82% on 10 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 82% on 10 at 23:59
Maximum pressure 30.130 in. on 10 at 10:19
Minimum pressure 29.930 in. on 10 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 10 at 23:27
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 075 °(ENE) on 10 at 21:42
Maximum heat index 53.4°F on 10 at 23:31

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11 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 55.9°F
Average humidity 82%
Average dewpoint 50.4°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.7 mph
Average gustspeed 6.9 mph
Average direction 189° (S)
Rainfall for month 3.47 in.
Rainfall for year 47.09 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.08 in. on 11 at 15:18
Maximum temperature 60.8°F on 11 at 11:56
Minimum temperature 41.9°F on 11 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 11 at 23:23
Minimum humidity 75% on 11 at 23:59
Maximum pressure 29.930 in. on 11 at 00:21
Minimum pressure 29.410 in. on 11 at 20:57
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 11 at 12:26
Maximum gust speed 21.9 mph from 161 °(SSE) on 11 at 14:26
Maximum heat index 60.8°F on 11 at 11:56

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12 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 36.9°F
Average humidity 44%
Average dewpoint 15.5°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 2.2 mph
Average gustspeed 6.4 mph
Average direction 238° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 3.47 in.
Rainfall for year 47.09 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 12 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 43.2°F on 12 at 13:50
Minimum temperature 26.1°F on 12 at 23:56
Maximum humidity 75% on 12 at 00:11
Minimum humidity 17% on 12 at 14:30
Maximum pressure 30.430 in. on 12 at 23:58
Minimum pressure 29.630 in. on 12 at 00:01
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 12 at 12:30
Maximum gust speed 20.7 mph from 334 °(NNW) on 12 at 12:47
Maximum heat index 43.2°F on 12 at 13:50

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13 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.6°F
Average humidity 47%
Average dewpoint 8.0°F
Average barometer 30.6 in.
Average windspeed 0.7 mph
Average gustspeed 2.0 mph
Average direction 199° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 3.47 in.
Rainfall for year 47.09 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 13 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 34.3°F on 13 at 14:26
Minimum temperature 17.2°F on 13 at 23:55
Maximum humidity 75% on 13 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 27% on 13 at 14:50
Maximum pressure 30.810 in. on 13 at 23:35
Minimum pressure 30.420 in. on 13 at 00:58
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 13 at 10:49
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 295 °(WNW) on 13 at 10:50
Maximum heat index 34.3°F on 13 at 14:26

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14 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.7°F
Average humidity 64%
Average dewpoint 11.5°F
Average barometer 30.9 in.
Average windspeed 0.1 mph
Average gustspeed 0.5 mph
Average direction 159° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 3.47 in.
Rainfall for year 47.09 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 14 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 37.0°F on 14 at 14:12
Minimum temperature 14.5°F on 14 at 04:16
Maximum humidity 82% on 14 at 08:40
Minimum humidity 34% on 14 at 14:36
Maximum pressure 30.940 in. on 14 at 10:32
Minimum pressure 30.800 in. on 14 at 00:30
Maximum windspeed 3.5 mph on 14 at 13:30
Maximum gust speed 5.8 mph from 211 °(SSW) on 14 at 13:34
Maximum heat index 37.0°F on 14 at 14:12

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15 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 31.3°F
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 21.3°F
Average barometer 30.7 in.
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.6 mph
Average direction 143° (SE)
Rainfall for month 3.47 in.
Rainfall for year 47.09 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 15 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 43.3°F on 15 at 13:27
Minimum temperature 16.0°F on 15 at 01:15
Maximum humidity 81% on 15 at 03:07
Minimum humidity 48% on 15 at 13:33
Maximum pressure 30.870 in. on 15 at 00:21
Minimum pressure 30.590 in. on 15 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 2.3 mph on 15 at 14:19
Maximum gust speed 6.9 mph from 107 °(ESE) on 15 at 12:13
Maximum heat index 43.3°F on 15 at 13:27

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16 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 45.5°F
Average humidity 81%
Average dewpoint 40.2°F
Average barometer 30.4 in.
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 3.5 mph
Average direction 156° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 5.32 in.
Rainfall for year 48.94 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.04 in. on 16 at 04:16
Maximum temperature 53.4°F on 16 at 23:54
Minimum temperature 35.6°F on 16 at 00:07
Maximum humidity 82% on 16 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 72% on 16 at 00:26
Maximum pressure 30.590 in. on 16 at 00:22
Minimum pressure 30.130 in. on 16 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 16 at 20:50
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 072 °(ENE) on 16 at 22:18
Maximum heat index 53.4°F on 16 at 23:54

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17 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 50.6°F
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 43.9°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 1.1 mph
Average gustspeed 3.5 mph
Average direction 196° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 5.54 in.
Rainfall for year 49.16 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.02 in. on 17 at 01:34
Maximum temperature 61.3°F on 17 at 14:07
Minimum temperature 34.7°F on 17 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 17 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 52% on 17 at 15:05
Maximum pressure 30.210 in. on 17 at 23:59
Minimum pressure 30.050 in. on 17 at 06:17
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 16 at 00:41
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 235 °(SW) on 17 at 00:42
Maximum heat index 61.3°F on 17 at 14:07

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18 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 42.7°F
Average humidity 76%
Average dewpoint 35.4°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.4 mph
Average gustspeed 1.2 mph
Average direction 160° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 5.70 in.
Rainfall for year 49.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.02 in. on 18 at 19:00
Maximum temperature 55.4°F on 18 at 14:02
Minimum temperature 28.9°F on 18 at 07:22
Maximum humidity 82% on 18 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 56% on 18 at 15:22
Maximum pressure 30.280 in. on 18 at 08:32
Minimum pressure 29.890 in. on 18 at 20:30
Maximum windspeed 3.5 mph on 18 at 14:20
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 170 °(S) on 18 at 12:38
Maximum heat index 55.4°F on 18 at 14:02

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19 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.0°F
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 30.3°F
Average barometer 30.2 in.
Average windspeed 0.6 mph
Average gustspeed 1.8 mph
Average direction 154° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 5.86 in.
Rainfall for year 49.48 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 19 at 01:52
Maximum temperature 46.6°F on 19 at 12:22
Minimum temperature 31.3°F on 19 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 19 at 08:16
Minimum humidity 44% on 19 at 14:20
Maximum pressure 30.300 in. on 19 at 21:28
Minimum pressure 29.930 in. on 19 at 00:56
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 19 at 11:25
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 016 °(NNE) on 19 at 11:26
Maximum heat index 46.6°F on 19 at 12:22

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20 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 35.6°F
Average humidity 76%
Average dewpoint 28.6°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 2.8 mph
Average direction 105° (ESE)
Rainfall for month 5.99 in.
Rainfall for year 49.61 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.06 in. on 20 at 18:07
Maximum temperature 40.6°F on 20 at 14:14
Minimum temperature 31.1°F on 20 at 01:04
Maximum humidity 82% on 20 at 20:27
Minimum humidity 66% on 20 at 04:17
Maximum pressure 30.250 in. on 20 at 01:31
Minimum pressure 29.830 in. on 20 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 20 at 23:48
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 047 °(NE) on 20 at 23:49
Maximum heat index 40.6°F on 20 at 14:14

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Average and Extremes for Month of December 2024 up to day 20
Average temperature 37.5°F; diff from climate av: +1.5°F
Average humidity 63%
Average dewpoint 25.2°F
Average barometer 30.140 in.
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 3.0 mph
Average direction 185° (S)
Rainfall for month 5.99 in.; diff from climate av. +1.97 in.
Rainfall for year 68.37 in.; diff from climate av. +22.31 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.08 in on 11 at 15:18
Maximum temperature 61.3°F on 17 at 14:07
Minimum temperature 14.5°F on 14 at 04:16
Maximum humidity 82% on 20 at 20:27
Minimum humidity 17% on 12 at 14:30
Maximum pressure 30.94 in. on 14 at 10:32
Minimum pressure 29.41 in. on 11 at 20:57
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph from 334°(NNW) on 12 at 12:30
Maximum gust speed 21.9 mph from 225°(SW) on 11 at 14:26
Maximum heat index 61.3°F on 17 at 14:07
Avg daily max temp46.5°F
Avg daily min temp27.3°F
Growing degrees days0.0 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 00:12hrs ET :0.02 in. 284.6 W/mē 2.0 uv
02 00:06hrs ET :0.01 in. 277.6 W/mē 2.0 uv
03 00:12hrs ET :0.01 in. 350.9 W/mē 3.0 uv
04 00:06hrs ET :0.02 in. 275.9 W/mē 2.0 uv
05 00:06hrs ET :0.03 in. 348.8 W/mē 3.0 uv
06 00:06hrs ET :0.03 in. 290.5 W/mē 2.0 uv
07 00:00hrs ET :0.03 in. 268.9 W/mē 2.0 uv
08 00:00hrs ET :0.03 in. 288.8 W/mē 2.0 uv
09 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 192.6 W/mē 1.0 uv
10 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 69.7 W/mē 0.0 uv
11 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 118.4 W/mē 1.0 uv
12 00:00hrs ET :0.03 in. 265.5 W/mē 2.0 uv
13 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 260.2 W/mē 2.0 uv
14 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 261.9 W/mē 2.0 uv
15 00:06hrs ET :0.01 in. 329.7 W/mē 3.0 uv
16 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 122.3 W/mē 1.0 uv
17 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 282.8 W/mē 2.0 uv
18 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 284.1 W/mē 2.0 uv
19 00:12hrs ET :0.02 in. 335.7 W/mē 3.0 uv
20 00:06hrs ET :0.01 in. 230.2 W/mē 2.0 uv

Daily Rain Totals
00.17 in. on 4
00.48 in. on 5
00.28 in. on 9
00.12 in. on 10
02.42 in. on 11
01.85 in. on 16
00.22 in. on 17
00.16 in. on 18
00.16 in. on 19
00.13 in. on 20